Publisher: Roaring Brook Press
This book is a collection of poetry and mindfulness practices that encourages the young readers to be present in the moment. As the author Georgia Heard points out, there are many distractions in our world today where according to the CDC 9.4% of children have ADHA and 7% have anxiety/depression, which are both staggering statistics. The numbers are only on the rise, and the treatments the doctors recommend are to eat a healthy diet, being active, plenty of sleep but additionally, practice mindfulness. This book uses poetry as a way of drawing our attention to our inner thoughts, and to see the world around us in a different way; Georgia Heard demonstrates these practices within her writings to teach parents and teachers how to access the mindfulness tools.
Reading Level:
Lexile Measure: NP0L
Page count: 56
Mindfulness - a state of being aware of something.
Carefulness - characteristic of being cautious, thoughtful, or prudent.
Caution - care to avoid danger or mistakes.
Concentration - power of focusing one's mental effort or attention.
Consideration - careful thought, typically over a period of time.
Meditation - expressing considered thoughts on a subject.
Calm - not showing or feeling nervousness, anger or other strong emotions.
Resources to Support Text
Building / activating schema
Lesson Activity
This book is a short collection of poems that aim to teach children how to slow down and be aware of their thoughts and environment. The poems teach meditation and affirmation techniques to introduce the concept of mindfulness. What is an event or thing you enjoy doing where you are totally relaxed and calm, not stressing out about anything? Draw a picture of what this looks like, then write a paragraph explaining the picture and your thoughts.
Recommended grade level:
2nd - 3rd grade
Common Core State Standard
Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure.
Key words or phrases
There is a monkey in my mind
Open your eyes
Empowerment Mantra - Haiku
Cultivate Tenderness
Before reading activity
There are multimodal approaches to journaling. An alternative is to make a collage using recycled old magazines and books for create a scrap book page for a unique creative outlet.
During reading activity
Use the app called 'Me A Kids Diary' to create a journal entry. This is an opportunity to write about whatever comes to mind.
After reading activity
Discuss what mindfulness is as a class. Provide a worksheet with the following questions /prompts, and have students answer them in their writing journals:
What was the best thing that happened today?
Who makes you feel loved and why?
Name something that makes you happy.
What is your favorite outdoor activity?
Name someone that helps you.
Name someone that is nice to you.
What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend?